1. Sign in to the Google Admin console.
  2. Click Apps > Google Apps > DriveWhere is it?
  3. Click Transfer ownership.
  4. Complete the Document ownership transfer section:

    • In the From field, enter the user name of the current owner and select the user’s domain.
    • In the To field, enter the user name of the new owner and select the user’s domain.

    If the transfer involves a very large number of documents, you may want to notify the new owner and check that they have enough storage capacity to accommodate the transferred documents. (You can see the amount of storage used and available at the bottom left corner of Google Drive on the web.)

  5. Click Transfer documents to save.

    All of the transferred documents are automatically organized in a single new folder — titled with the previous owner’s email address — in the new owner’s Drive.

    The administrator and the new and previous owners receive email about the transfer as soon as the process completes.

    If there were any problems with the transfer (e.g. the new owner's quota is exceeded, which prevents the transfer of some documents), the email notification describes what happened. To fix the problem, you mightpurchase more storage for Google Drive for the new owner, transfer ownership of the documents to a different user, or redistribute ownership of documents one at a time to different users.

If you intend to delete the original owner of the transferred files, make sure to wait until the transfer finishes.